FamilyTree DNA Holiday Sale

Some of you may remember from Roger Cobb’s (Mills) presentation last month that he was successful in solving several family mysteries using DNA testing from Family Tree DNA in Houston. Saturday, at the DFW Mayflower Society Compact Day Luncheon, he alerted me to the fact that Family Tree DNA has launched their holiday sales on testing. Here is the text copied from their email announcement:

As we ended our 8th Annual Genetic Genealogy Conference, several conference participants asked us to start our year-end sale as soon as possible. In answer to those requests we decided to start it immediately:
New Kits

Current Price


Y-DNA 37



Y-DNA 67






mtFullSequence (FMS)



SuperDNA (Y-DNA 67 and mtFullSequence)



Family Finder



Family Finder + mtDNAPlus



Family Finder + mtFullSequence



Family Finder + Y-DNA 37



Comprehensive (FF + FMS + Y-67)




Current Price


Y-Refine 12-25 Marker



Y-Refine 12-37 Marker



Y-Refine 12-67 Marker



Y-Refine 25-37 Marker



Y-Refine 25-67 Marker



Y-Refine 37-67 Marker



Y-Refine 37-111 Marker



Y-Refine 67-111 Marker









mtFullSequence Add-on



To order this special offer, log in to your personal page and click on the Order An Upgrade button in the upper right corner. A link to the login page is provided below. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED AND PAID FOR BY MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2012 11:59:00 PM CSTTO RECEIVE THE SALE PRICES.Log In to Order an Upgrade.Click Here to Order a New Kit.

While the announcement was sent to existing customers, the new kit sale pricing appears on their Products page at the link above and appears to be valid for all new customers as well.

Now is your chance to get started with DNA testing for genealogical research at the most affordable pricing of the year!  Be sure to read their FAQs and explanations before selecting which test(s) to spend money on. They will have the best explanation of the autosomal DNA “Family Finder” test that Roger described.