February 2014 Presentation Handout

Davideen Demske presented us with an wonderful overview of her in-depth seminar program on German Research principles and techniques. She covered an enormous amount of material at a fairly high level, providing us with a conceptual framework in which to apply the detailed information in her handouts and slides when we begin to do our own research. To that end, she has provided both of these documents in pdf format for deeper study and practical application.

Syllabus and Flowchart

Slide Presentation   © Davideen Demske
(give this one a few minutes to download)

Our thanks again to Davideen for this treasure trove of research tools.

Welcome to the DCGS web site and blog


Welcome to the new DCGS web site and blog. The society officers hope to be able to keep you more informed with the new, interactive format. We will be adding more specialized forums for research and announcements; the Blog will be our place to discuss society-specific topics. Newsletters will remain hosted on our RootsWeb site, but are all linked from program year pages on this one.

Be sure to take a look at the new calendar in the Agenda view, as shown to the right; it provides an excellent, detailed list of all upcoming genealogy and local history events.